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Ambien and Alcohol: A Dangerous Combination

About one in four Americans experience bouts of sleeplessness each year, which amounts to roughly 81 million people. Naturally, many people turn to medications to address their sleep issues. While this is understandable, as sleep deprivation can affect mood, memory, concentration, blood pressure, immune system, and relationships, certain sleep medications pose significant health risks, especially […]

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Can You Leave Rehab Before Your Program is Done?

Entering addiction treatment is a significant step towards recovery, and just as it is your choice to enter, you also have the decision to leave early. However, leaving before completing your program, whether it’s a 30-day or longer stay, is often not advised. Research indicates that the longer you remain in treatment, the better the […]

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Service And Giving Back In Spiritual Addiction Recovery

Drawing from the insights of Dr. Stephanie S. Covington, it’s evident that addiction recovery extends beyond the individual. Her understanding illuminates the role of service and giving back as vital components in spiritual addiction recovery. In the vast tapestry of South Africa’s culture and traditions, this approach strikes a resonant chord, echoing deep-seated values of […]

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Role Of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy In Dual Diagnosis

The path to recovery is as unique as the stories and histories that each person brings with them. If you’ve found yourself or a loved one grappling with addiction and concurrent mental health challenges, the journey might feel incredibly daunting. Here, in the heart of South Africa, we recognize that duality. We acknowledge that every […]

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The Transformative Role of Media in Battling Stigma

In the digital age, media wields significant influence in shaping public opinion. Its reach and impact are far-reaching, affecting various aspects of society, including how drug addiction is perceived. The heartening news is that, in recent years, cutting-edge research underscores the media’s potential in addressing the deep-seated stigma and bias associated with drug addiction. Shifting […]

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Benefits Of Gender-specific Addiction Treatment

As you embark on this transformative journey of healing from addiction, it’s vital to understand that each individual’s path is unique. Just as everyone has their own story and set of experiences, addiction touches lives differently. Central to this understanding is recognising the significant role gender plays in shaping these experiences. Gender-specific addiction treatment programs, […]

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Make The Most Of Your Medical Aid For Addiction Treatment

In the throes of addiction, seeking help can be an overwhelming and emotionally charged decision. When you or someone close to you is grappling with addiction, the urgency to find effective treatment is real. Yet, financial constraints can be daunting. Fortunately, your medical aid can be an invaluable ally in this journey, potentially offering more […]

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The impact of addiction on family and relationships

Witnessing a loved one succumb to alcohol or drug addiction can be an immensely distressing experience. While you deeply care for the person affected, their behavior can leave you grappling with emotions like anger, helplessness, guilt, fear, loneliness, exhaustion, and disappointment. Often, individuals battling addiction are oblivious to the havoc they’re wreaking, which makes seeking […]

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